It's been a while since I posted the craziness of Back to school, home and business has kind of taken over.
Whose more excited to get the kids back to school, MOMS! I know I'm looking forward to finding a schedule. With a half-day kindergartener this will be interesting as I will be going back and forth 4 times a day. But, I'm not complaining, those 2.5 hours of quiet time will be delightful.
Another part of my time I have spent revving up my Avon business. It's amazing how much time and energy having fun takes! So, we had to put on our work gloves and start selling some lipstick.
The beauty of my business I can take some time to be with my family and I will still be earning a paycheck. Now, with the holidays fast approaching I will be promoting the awesome venture of a home-based business. Truly, Avon has been my saving grace allowing me to experience summer with my kids!
So, I raise my Diet Pepsi can to you moms! Here's to a great school year full of excitement and wonder for our kids, a chance for us to breath and rejuvenate, professional and financial success, and an organized routine for everyone to thrive in!
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Monday, July 23, 2012
No TV DAY! Unplugged!
"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about."
Author: Angela Schwindt.
It's funny how when we ground kids we think it will really get them to think, yet were left pondering their's and our actions. We're doing all the thinking and they are moving on!Being summer we have soaked up HOURS of Disney XD, Nick, and Disney channel plus sprinkle in several Netflix and Redbox movies. (They don't spend ALL day but much longer than during the school year as it is a treat) in the Las Vegas Heat, sometimes TV becomes a great way to rest and cool off. Not that TV monitoring was bad, but I didn't mind my kids zoning out during the summer. Were having a carefree no planning summer, so this has been quite the treat to watch a marathon of their favorite Disney shows.
However, their romp in summer carefree land ended after some bad behavior. I turned the TV off. But, I also made the decision for myself. I decided maybe instead of listening to TV while I was doing my usual chores and work on the computer, I would actually just leave it off. I've grown into a terrible habit of television and need to break my own. This has turned out to be a blessing for all of us. The kids are calmly playing together, we got lots of summer brain enhancing games accomplished (workbooks, flash cards, etc), and I have gotten lots of work done for my Avon business. Granted it's not as quiet as it is when I let them watch TV, yet I can hear some conflict resolution and cooperation happening upstairs. This time of reflection is helping me realize my own addictions including all the shows and frankly the comfort of the TV screen. So, I am going to have a NO TV Day per week (some days it happens naturally yet I think a designated day would benefit us all). It causes everyone to think outside the box (literally)!! Maybe I'll even take it one step further and have an unplugged day! No video games, no phones, just music and family! (well.. we will take that one step at a time) ;) I love how when I think I'm teaching them, they end up teaching me.
So, I challenge you, what is your family habit that would benefit being turned off. The TV? The Computers? The Video Games? Share what would help you live a better life with kids Unplugged.
The Avon Impact
If your ready to feel the AVON impact for yourself. Contact me. ref code: jcroteau It truly will impact your life! Begin your own business today! (only $10 to start!)
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Brainiac Craft~Bouncy Balls
So, we have had a blast this summer. Going swimming, watching movies, going camping, doing crafts, cleaning lots of cleaning, dancing, jumping and continual fun. Evan is a superior science kid and he makes my head hurt with all the questions and brainiac statements. We've never made our own bouncy balls and this will be the coolest thing ever to him. I can't wait to do this at least twice before summer is up. I'm looking forward to whipping this badboy up and bouncing a bunch down the stairs.
Check out this recipe Here.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Dropping my daily planning addiction to enjoy life with my kids
My name is Amie and I am a daily planning addict! I'm all about having a schedule, plan, an idea about what I'm going to do even if it isn't well executed. I am a planning freak. I love it. I need to have my calendar with little dots on all the events, I need to know exactly what I am doing every day, otherwise I may not accomplish anything. I will not be the mom who needs to borrow from others (ha,ha,ha). I annoy my mother in law and husband with plans. When their days with me come around, I want an itinerary of how they will be spending the day so I can see if their plans coincide with mine. It is a constant source of annoyance in our house and I cannot help it!
The addiction was really bad when my kids were babies. How many of you when you first began to have your babies went out and bought everything you could because you wanted to be prepared? Who has the largest diaper bag full of the most stuff? I still carry around way too much stuff on a trip that might take us out of the house for more than a few hours. One of my good friends has the Swiss army bag, in her purse she has EVERYTHING for any need you might have. My question to all of us prepared bag holders, how's your back?
“Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.”
― John Lennon
― John Lennon
When the kids and I embark on the day we are ready and know exactly what is going to happen that day. I'm pretty protective over this plan. I say I am going to get something done and I count that it's going to happen. But, as the famous Robert Burns quote goes "The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray!" In life with kids, this is often true. One kid decides to see what their sibling would do when they jumped on their back. The other feels utterly attacked and embarrassed so they begin wailing. IN the meantime you are downstairs carefully filling little snack baggies as you are positive the kids will not be able to make it without those baggies at the park. Fifteen minutes later after scolding one and consoling the victim, you are ready to finish those baggies. Then the phone rings, emails, visitors.... the list can go on and on. Suddenly, you check the clock and were an hour past park time. It's already into naptime and everyone is grumpy. What do you do?
After having many of these hot summer days, planning, packing, and embarking out into the 115 Vegas Heat, I decided to change my philosophy of planning and embrace living. This change actually made my kids uncomfortable. Every day in their lives I have tried to create a secure world for them, with sunblock, towels, predictability, etc. So, suddenly they thought I lost it when I decided in the middle of the day to do a fun craft. I was busy at work and had a light bulb flash. Let's attempt some of the crayon melting crafts. Didn't know if we had enough but we did it and my kids loved it all. They kept asking "Mom do we have all the stuff?" "Really?" The next day after making an Avon delivery we decided to stop at a waterpark "But mom, we don't even have sunscreen or towels!" I told them we were living dangerously. They told me that was almost the funnest time they had (except when their grandma did the exact same thing without planning it). All because they didn't expect it.
Sometimes, I feel like this can be applied to life in general. Plans and goals are crucial, yet as we are pounding the grindstone to get to the goal are we looking up? Have we noticed the little peaks and valleys along the way? Having the comforts in life along the way of any trip or excursion is important, yet have you spent so much energy and time into planning are you not able to enjoy the end destination? I can't count how many times we get there and I beat myself up because I forgot something. Did that one forgotten item affect the outcome? no. Did everyone still have fun? Yes.
Like in Hannah Montana's song "The Climb"
Cause there's always gonna be another mountain I'm always gonna wanna make it move Always gonna be a uphill battle Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose. Ain't about how fast I get there Ain't about what's waiting on the other side It's the climb, yeah!
So, I commit to plan to live not live to plan. I plan to have fun. I commit to show my kids structure and spontaneity, how to be prepared and unprepared, how to be friendly with others, and how to just enjoy life. I don't want them planning their days away and not enjoying the actual living.The best fun is sometimes the unplanned kind.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Share your $$ saving, summer fun, or time saving ideas!
I am surrounded by clean clothes drowning in laundry, but figured I'd put out a game. Comment on this Post with an alphabetical tip. For example, we will start with A. Always begin your day reading something that inspires you. Take the fifteen minutes extra in the morning that will give you fresh inspiration to jump into your day with. Next? Who has B? If you enter and we get to Z by next Sunday your name will be entered into a drawing for an Avon sample prize pack!
Thursday, July 12, 2012
FREE Starbucks Refreshers! Limited Time!
I'm always game to try something new. Especially if it's FREE! Starbucks would like us to taste their newest line of beverages and I have to tell you they look yummy! My lack of wanting to spend money has kept me away from Starbucks! This however might bring me back!
These are the Starbucks Refreshers in Cool Lime and Very Berry Hibiscus! This Friday the 13th from noon to 3pm each person can get a free tall Refresher at Starbucks!This offer is limit one per person)
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Last few Fun Videos
Thank you Muppets for making my Wednesday that much better!
Evan just learned this song so he demanded I share it!
One of my favorite Christmas Carols Muppet Style!
Another fun laugh today! Muppet Bohemian Rhapsody
Another love!! Pay attention to Animal! The whole thing is awesome!
Have a laugh on me today!
Cookie Monster takes on Carly Rae Jepson's "Call Me Maybe" with "Share it Maybe." Enjoy!
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
7/11 Birthday! Celebrate with a free Slurpee!
What's your favorite Slurpee flavor? I love the Pina Colada!
7-11 Day is tomorrow (at participating locations) Drop by and celebrate from 11am-7pm and receive a free 7.11 ounce Slurpee! This is a while supplies last so I would go early in the day to get your free Slurpee!
Check out at 7-eleven
Monday, July 9, 2012
Fun Vintage Avon Commercials
Another Great Deal on Photo Prints @ Target!
Another fun photo offer (can't you tell I love to scrapbook need pictures!)
The coupon Target has posted on their site is Free$5 with purchase of 50 4x6 Prints. Considering the prints average from .15-.19 a piece you can walk out spending between $2-$4 on 4x6 Prints.
Check out the coupon Here! Offer is valid on lab or online print to store/same-day pickup orders.
The coupon Target has posted on their site is Free$5 with purchase of 50 4x6 Prints. Considering the prints average from .15-.19 a piece you can walk out spending between $2-$4 on 4x6 Prints.
Check out the coupon Here! Offer is valid on lab or online print to store/same-day pickup orders.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Money Saving Sunday
What is your money saving strategy?
Do you save with coupons, meals, car care, heath care?? We want to know!
Leave a comment below with your favorite strategy I'll get us started.
1.AD MATCH-Walmart rocks for this, make a shopping list with all the local ads that are current and take your list to the register and they will match it. That way you can match up the good sales with coupons! (Hello Extreme Couponing) Reference their guidlines before embarking on your trip at
2.Envelopes-Thanks to Dave Ramsey, we love using the cash only system. It stops overspending and keeps us to the budget. I can tell when we vary off this system as our budget starts to get skewed by the debit cards. You can score a really nice envelope system at His Financial Peace University is another great learning tool!
Leave your comment below please! I would love to have readers ideas compiled and will share with everyone! Thanks for reading
Saturday, July 7, 2012
$1.00 Personalized Grocery Tote Plus FREE PRINTS! USE YORKTOTEAD
I've already ordered mine. These make great grocery and other useful bags for during the summer. You can even advertise on it!!
Head over to York Photos and Register for your 40 prints and Grocery Tote Bag!! They do charge $3.99 to ship it but it's still a great deal! Offer Ends July 30th!
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
They will never be this age again
This may be some ramblings, but I was inspired after I figured out my new blog name. I really never got how much it took to be a mom. I have a mom and a mom-in-law, but until that moment came when I had my son, I couldn't fathom all it would take, until now. It takes Everything. It's an investment you are continually adding to and some days it feels like your actions could change their paths forever. That's a lot of pressure for our daily life. Rehashing my blog name has been cause for reflection into what makes me who I am. I am more than just one title. I'm a Christ loving wife, teacher, Avon Lady, lover, taxi driver, maid, laundress, singer, dancer, chef, grocery shopper, coupon-er, scrapbook-er, crocheter, crafter... So many words describe all of us. So, I cannot just write about one thing. What titles do you go by? What makes you who you are?
I cannot specialize in just one area as there are many facets to my life and I am sure there are in yours. Here's to both of our time well spent in concise reviews, advice, tips, articles, pictures, contests, and just fun to help you grow in your journey as a parent. That journey is hard, but can be fun. For me, memories are most important, because, they will never be this age again.
I cannot specialize in just one area as there are many facets to my life and I am sure there are in yours. Here's to both of our time well spent in concise reviews, advice, tips, articles, pictures, contests, and just fun to help you grow in your journey as a parent. That journey is hard, but can be fun. For me, memories are most important, because, they will never be this age again.
Monday, July 2, 2012
Book Review: Start Something That Matters~Blake Mycoskie TOMS
Many have said if you want to be successful you need to study those who are successful. One of the more successful and unique business platforms is TOMS shoes. Who doesn't love TOMS shoes? While I don't own a pair (eyeing one for my birthday!) I love the concept of the one for one philosphy. When you buy a pair of shoes from their site, they will give a pair to someone in need. Socially, his philosophy has spread from college campuses, schools, and even a National One Day Without Shoes The company has spread from just shoes to eyewear and even books. Blake Mycoskie, chief shoe giver authored Start Something that matters. This book really intrigued me just because I like the TOMS story. Blake's storytelling style is amazing and he shares lessons he's learned from his success and failures and other lessons from other organizations such as FEED, method, Terra Cycle, and charity:water. In our economic age, he really wanted to do something that mattered. Charities were failing and yet he was inspired in Argentina to put shoes on little kids. So, the design of TOMS shoes actually came from Argentina styles. He gives us six simple steps such as discovering YOUR story, incorporating giving into everyday life and being resourceful without resources. I gleaned different ideas to incorporate into my own daily living and business that actually makes a difference and a significant change to the way I am doing things.
This was by far one of the best business books an. The tips and techniques and learning about the company successes and failures will help any business propel forward. Yet, it is about more than just personal business success, but really doing something that matters outside of our own little bubble. We all seem to dwell in these small bubbles of our friends, family, work, church, and social lives, it's very hard to step out sometimes. Reading this book inspired me to step out of my bubble and I am sure it will do the same for you!
Friday, June 29, 2012
Being Present
In the present moment, wow that's a hard thing to do. With all the technology we have, were constantly giving pieces of ourselves away to our phones, email, FACEBOOK (My culprit), work, house, etc. I just finished FISH! by Stephen C. Lundin, Ph.D., Harry Paul and John Christensen. This is a great book especially if you are dealing with a toxic work area. However, some of the philosophies could be applied to present day. One of which in the book it talked about being present with customers. Actually being there and not thinking about each and every other thing we need to do. Well, as a mommy to a 7 year old who doesn't actually have conversation but asks 100 questions a day this can be so hard to do. I really have lots of things to focus on and he continually has a billion questions to ask. One of the examples in the book was one of the employees kids asked him to take her to the park. He said he would get to it just not right now. Well, now is 5 years later and she is a teenager and could care less about the park.
This hit me hard. I will constantly answer Evan's (my son) questions while I'm reading a website, texting etc. It takes a lot for me to STOP what I am doing and just be present for him. He deserves that minute of my time that can be better designated anyways. This summer Evan, Kayla (my daughter), and I made a pact, to have fun and really enjoy summer. Evan as a WAHM I had to make this goal. Making it a daily effort to have fun has been tiring and challenging amongst the regular responsibilities to my business and household. But, the rewards have been plenty. They love me watching them slide down the slide, almost get a broken bone on the spin-go-round, or play with friends on a stage. This fills up their cup that promises I am there for them. Yes, it is draining to go in the heat and make an effort to do fun things. However, last night as we are driving home from movies in the park they both told me this was the summer they will never forget. This is our first summer were not taking a big family vacation (had a small camping trip), so it was important to make it fun. We didn't need a big trip to relax, or activities planned every day of the week to keep us having fun (this was a big one as we are in soccer, gymnastics, church, and scouting activities during the year.) We just needed to be together doing goofy and unique things we only do this time of year, and making a concerted effort to do so.
Reading this book further affirmed my decision to be present. I put off the park all year long, we go two-three times a week now. I am going to put my phone down, or stop watching the tv, or put down whatever I am doing just for that little minute they need me to ask the question that is so important on their little hearts. This is a hard thing to do and is a fine balance. Just have to remember, they will never be this age again, and we don't get the luxury of a do-over.
This hit me hard. I will constantly answer Evan's (my son) questions while I'm reading a website, texting etc. It takes a lot for me to STOP what I am doing and just be present for him. He deserves that minute of my time that can be better designated anyways. This summer Evan, Kayla (my daughter), and I made a pact, to have fun and really enjoy summer. Evan as a WAHM I had to make this goal. Making it a daily effort to have fun has been tiring and challenging amongst the regular responsibilities to my business and household. But, the rewards have been plenty. They love me watching them slide down the slide, almost get a broken bone on the spin-go-round, or play with friends on a stage. This fills up their cup that promises I am there for them. Yes, it is draining to go in the heat and make an effort to do fun things. However, last night as we are driving home from movies in the park they both told me this was the summer they will never forget. This is our first summer were not taking a big family vacation (had a small camping trip), so it was important to make it fun. We didn't need a big trip to relax, or activities planned every day of the week to keep us having fun (this was a big one as we are in soccer, gymnastics, church, and scouting activities during the year.) We just needed to be together doing goofy and unique things we only do this time of year, and making a concerted effort to do so.
Reading this book further affirmed my decision to be present. I put off the park all year long, we go two-three times a week now. I am going to put my phone down, or stop watching the tv, or put down whatever I am doing just for that little minute they need me to ask the question that is so important on their little hearts. This is a hard thing to do and is a fine balance. Just have to remember, they will never be this age again, and we don't get the luxury of a do-over.
July 4th 2012 Freebie STARBUCKS!!
In celebration of our nations birthday and promoting unity in the political arena, Starbucks is giving everyone a free tall brewed coffee at their stores. Check it out here Starbucks We are #INDIVISIBLE
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Thankfulness Thursday
Usually Thursday is a humdrum kind of day. One step closer to the weekend. But, I want to know, what are you thankful for today??
I am thankful at this moment for the rowdy kids in the kitchen eating breakfast making alien gun fire noises.
I am thankful at this moment for the rowdy kids in the kitchen eating breakfast making alien gun fire noises.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Free (or Nearly) Free Stuff To Do with Kids in Vegas or elsewhere
It's Hot, and sticky outside, fun stuff with kids is always essential. I love Free Stuff! So here are a few ideas of free goodies here in the Las Vegas valley! IF your not in Vegas, consider these ideas in your areas as many places have similar offers. Although I'm sure there are tons more out there these are the ones on our radar and are easy to get to. LIKE Facebook pages of all your favorite places to go, many places do special coupons only for their Facebook fans.
Clark County Parks
-We have an array of splashpads for the kids that are quite fun and provide a great way to cool off.
List of Parks
Clark County Library!
-Besides the really awesome summer reading program, each library has different events geared for kids to keep them busy over the summer. This spans from more than just little ones all the way to teens.
Be sure to LIKE the library on Facebook especially the closest one to you as they always update their pages frequently.
Clark County Library
Library Events
Town Square Park
Movies in the Square
-This one is really fun! Thursday nights during the summer at sundown, Town Square shows a free family movie in their park. You bring blankets, come a little early, (6-7 and you'll still get a spot) let the kids play in the water park while they wait for the movie. They have lots of little vendors and special activities each night too!
Town Square Las Vegas
Regal and Cinemark Cinemas
Although these are not free offers they are quite fun. For as little as a $1 you can go see a movie in a cool theater and the kids can have an experience for the day.
Regal Summer Movie Express
Cinemark Summer Movie Clubhouse
Bass Pro Shops
This a great learning experience as well. Kids get to learn all about the great outdoors in their structured events. A crafts every Tues, Thur, Sat, Sun, free photos, smores cookouts. LOTS OF FUN! Hurry this ends July 15th!
Bass Pro Shops Family Camp
Barnes and Noble
Imagination's Destination Free book Program. Evan's already scored his free book.
Barnes and Noble Summer Reading Program
Sonic Drive Thru
HAPPY HOUR! IN this heat a little Slush or soda treat is great and everyday Sonic drinks are half-price from 2pm-5pm and their shakes are half price after 8pm!! Yeah!
Ethel m Chocolate Factory Tours
Kids get to watch how the chocolate is made and receive a free sample at the end. Super Fun!
Ethel M Tours
Clark County Parks
-We have an array of splashpads for the kids that are quite fun and provide a great way to cool off.
List of Parks
Clark County Library!
-Besides the really awesome summer reading program, each library has different events geared for kids to keep them busy over the summer. This spans from more than just little ones all the way to teens.
Be sure to LIKE the library on Facebook especially the closest one to you as they always update their pages frequently.
Clark County Library
Library Events
Town Square Park
Movies in the Square
-This one is really fun! Thursday nights during the summer at sundown, Town Square shows a free family movie in their park. You bring blankets, come a little early, (6-7 and you'll still get a spot) let the kids play in the water park while they wait for the movie. They have lots of little vendors and special activities each night too!
Town Square Las Vegas
Regal and Cinemark Cinemas
Although these are not free offers they are quite fun. For as little as a $1 you can go see a movie in a cool theater and the kids can have an experience for the day.
Regal Summer Movie Express
Cinemark Summer Movie Clubhouse
Bass Pro Shops
This a great learning experience as well. Kids get to learn all about the great outdoors in their structured events. A crafts every Tues, Thur, Sat, Sun, free photos, smores cookouts. LOTS OF FUN! Hurry this ends July 15th!
Bass Pro Shops Family Camp
Barnes and Noble
Imagination's Destination Free book Program. Evan's already scored his free book.
Barnes and Noble Summer Reading Program
Sonic Drive Thru
HAPPY HOUR! IN this heat a little Slush or soda treat is great and everyday Sonic drinks are half-price from 2pm-5pm and their shakes are half price after 8pm!! Yeah!
Ethel m Chocolate Factory Tours
Kids get to watch how the chocolate is made and receive a free sample at the end. Super Fun!
Ethel M Tours
Monday, June 25, 2012
How I became an Avon mommy
As I negotiate with my daughter about the merits of cleaning her room, I am grateful for this blessing I have. My name is Amie Croteau and I am a work at home mommy with two awesome kids, a husband, and mother-in law who is also my business partner (yes, I can actually work and live with my mother-in-law and we get along quite well!) God has blessed me with the chance to be at home with my kids, which I prayed for seven years ago after my son was born.
I worked most of my life, in high school, through college and into married life. We are your typical middle income American family trying to make ends meet. My husband, mother-in-law and I all worked full time and the kids spent many hours in daycare. As a family we decided that we needed to provide the one on one attention that kids really need, and quit spending some much time in childcare. Easy decision, no. It was very hard, it meant giving up a few luxuries and a little bit of security. However, once the last extra bill was paid off I put in my two weeks notice. But, I still needed to be able to provide an income for our family as well. This is how our Avon story took off. All this time my mother-in-law was pushing to make Avon her dream, to quit her job and work Avon full-time. She struggled while caring for her ailing mother and still pushing her full-time position. She and I put our heads together and decided two was better than one. So, while I was working my 50-60 hours jobs she was plugging away at hers and growing our Avon business. She sacrificied
her time and energy to allow me the chance to begin this journey with the kids. This afforded me to quit my job a year ago and be able to stay at home with my kids and work our Avon business. We are now Executive Unit Leaders with a team of over 200 representative who we help and mentor. My kids and I also stay busy with church, sports, scouts, and other activities. I am able to do all the things I was too tired, too stressed, and too worried to do. Dinners, bedtimes, homework, dancing in the street, singing show tunes, waterfights in the living room, the list goes on and on.
This entire process of going from a working mommy to a work at home mommy has taught me so many lessons. I feel like this year has been a lesson in triumph, heartbreak, time management, money management, and security. I've battled the opinions, the assumptions, and the struggles and I sometimes feel like we're still battling but I know God may bend us but he won't break us. Plus, every struggle we've faced as we began this journey has made us as a family only stronger.
So, my goal is to show you some ways to save money as I dabble in couponing, fun ideas for the kids, great ways to make $ including starting your own Avon business and how to thrive in it. I'm also a sucker for the inspirational and have a strong desire to read, so I plan on sharing different book recommendations and ideas with you all. I'll share some of my struggles and success stories and would love to hear yours. I have personal reviews on Avon products and great recommendations with special deals for my blog readers. I'm promising interesting tid bits of info along the way, not sure how many., but guaranteeing tid bits :)
Thank you for taking interest in my blog and I look forward to welcoming you on our journey.
I worked most of my life, in high school, through college and into married life. We are your typical middle income American family trying to make ends meet. My husband, mother-in-law and I all worked full time and the kids spent many hours in daycare. As a family we decided that we needed to provide the one on one attention that kids really need, and quit spending some much time in childcare. Easy decision, no. It was very hard, it meant giving up a few luxuries and a little bit of security. However, once the last extra bill was paid off I put in my two weeks notice. But, I still needed to be able to provide an income for our family as well. This is how our Avon story took off. All this time my mother-in-law was pushing to make Avon her dream, to quit her job and work Avon full-time. She struggled while caring for her ailing mother and still pushing her full-time position. She and I put our heads together and decided two was better than one. So, while I was working my 50-60 hours jobs she was plugging away at hers and growing our Avon business. She sacrificied
her time and energy to allow me the chance to begin this journey with the kids. This afforded me to quit my job a year ago and be able to stay at home with my kids and work our Avon business. We are now Executive Unit Leaders with a team of over 200 representative who we help and mentor. My kids and I also stay busy with church, sports, scouts, and other activities. I am able to do all the things I was too tired, too stressed, and too worried to do. Dinners, bedtimes, homework, dancing in the street, singing show tunes, waterfights in the living room, the list goes on and on.
This entire process of going from a working mommy to a work at home mommy has taught me so many lessons. I feel like this year has been a lesson in triumph, heartbreak, time management, money management, and security. I've battled the opinions, the assumptions, and the struggles and I sometimes feel like we're still battling but I know God may bend us but he won't break us. Plus, every struggle we've faced as we began this journey has made us as a family only stronger.
So, my goal is to show you some ways to save money as I dabble in couponing, fun ideas for the kids, great ways to make $ including starting your own Avon business and how to thrive in it. I'm also a sucker for the inspirational and have a strong desire to read, so I plan on sharing different book recommendations and ideas with you all. I'll share some of my struggles and success stories and would love to hear yours. I have personal reviews on Avon products and great recommendations with special deals for my blog readers. I'm promising interesting tid bits of info along the way, not sure how many., but guaranteeing tid bits :)
Thank you for taking interest in my blog and I look forward to welcoming you on our journey.
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